Tick Tick Tick

The delicate dance at the Welcome Habitat has begun. The clock ticks towards 10:45 Universal Time, and the atmosphere at the Welcome Habitat intensifies. Charamaynne meticulously oversees the yellow alert preparations, ensuring every detail is in check. The transporter, carrying crucial equipment, becomes the focal point of their attention.

In the control room, a team of technicians is conducting a thorough status check. Magnetic fields, saturation density, resonators – every parameter is scrutinized to guarantee a flawless operation.

The tension builds as they receive a call from general control, relaying the urgency of the situation. With a sense of purpose, Charamaynne announces the yellow alert to the personnel, emphasizing the need to stay vigilant.

Meanwhile, the fish elevation technician arrives for a meeting. The looming threat adds gravity to the discussion as plans for potential action unfold. A reliable assistant diligently carries out orders, ensuring that the Welcome Habitat is primed for any eventuality.

At 10:30, Charamaynne takes a brief break, knowing the critical hour is imminent. Another life raft's scheduled landing at 11:00 hours heightens the anticipation. 

The Threat

The visitors have expanded their reach into the cosmos. The Welcome Habitat, a vital outpost for interstellar activities, hums with activity. At precisely 22:40, a life raft descends towards the surface.

"Hold it steady," Charamaynne's calm voice echoes in the communication system. The tension in the air is palpable, but their experienced hands of navigate the descent with precision.

The life raft's landing gear touches the surface safely, and at 25:22, Charamaynne meets with the base personnel. 

At 25:37, Charamaynne addresses the team. The conversation unfolds, covering various aspects of the operation. A technician, presents their report, and the discussion delves into the importance of maintaining spare levels.

At 26:50, the atmosphere shifts as a possible sighting is reported. The tension escalates.

"Impact in 32 seconds," announces the control room at 31:09, and the team holds their breath.

The room falls silent as the seconds tick away, and at 31:18, relief floods the control room as the imminent collision is averted.

A batch of intergalactic emojis floods the Welcome Habitat’s mainframe, signaling a cosmic invitation to an intergalactic disco. Sighting coordinates materialize: 🛸 0 47 2 53 8 77 10 4 6 🪐. Charamaynne, donning a sequined spacesuit, busts out dance moves and declares an impromptu dance-off.

Shaklyn 1+2 engage in the celestial dance-off, twirling through multicolored cosmic clouds at warp speeds. The fate of the visitors grooves in the hands of Shaklyn 1+2, as they all of a sudden face an absurdly rhythmic adversary in a surreal dance-off in the sky. 🌌💫


Bowtie-clad sloths, lovers of philosophy, walk about the Welcome Habitat. Speaking in riddles, they deepen the existential uncertainty. Amid the surrealism, inhabitants cope uniquely: some paralyzed by freedom, others communicate through dance. A support group forms to decipher sloth writings. Charamaynne, emphasizing individual responsibility, aims to inspire agency amidst sloth antics. 

Philosophical discussions clash with impromptu sloth performances. Balancing pragmatism with absurdity, Charamaynne organizes workshops addressing both existential questions and practical challenges. 

Meanwhile, parallel universes converge, blending various versions of the Welcome Habitat. Chaos ensues, with confusion and hilarity as alternate selves interact.

In their quest to uncover the cosmic upheaval's source, the visitors encounter time-traveling penguins offering cryptic limericks. Determined, Charamaynne delves into the mysteries, even deciphering penguin poetry. Through contemplation, problem-solving, and interpretive dances, they find a malfunctioning reality generator causing the turmoil. United, they repair it, fostering camaraderie. 

As reality stabilizes, sloths, penguins, and alternate versions fade, leaving lessons in agency, cohesion, and the power of dance amid cosmic upheaval.

But now, Charamaynne grapples with existential anxiety.


In the realm of Effective Accelerationism, a spectacle unfolds. A small group of the visitors, seemingly enamored by the utility of technological progress, vehemently reject any restraint, masking a sinister undercurrent.

In this renegade movement, cryptically named e/acc, a deliberate distortion of Longtermism fears takes center stage. 

They passionately oppose regulation, embracing an unholy alliance with the relentless evolution of technology, eschewing the chains of sustainability and social responsibility.

A manifesto, a cacophony of disjointed ideas, resonates with libertarian dogma, impassioned pathos, and slogans fitting the absurdity of a post-modern narrative. A chaotic ballet of contradictions evolves. Intrinsic motivations, a discordant melody of creating, camaraderie, and self-improvement, become the dissonant chords in their distorted symphony. Collaboration, performed by highly intelligent yet under-educated enthusiasts, driven by narcissism and intellectual arrogance, reeks of a disdainful disregard for diversity.

The ambiance exhibits a reactionary nature.

E/acc harbors no loyalty to biological substrates for intelligence and life. To disseminate towards the stars, the light of consciousness, intelligence sheds its corporeal vestiges, echoing the absurd visions of a dystopian ideologue. A detached future unfolds, orchestrated by the powerful, a surreal landscape where roles wane into oblivion.