
Amidst the decaying remnants of a civilization long abandoned by hope, the remnants gather in a vast, decrepit square, drawn by a grotesque and surreal ceremony of worship. The oppressive neon glow of the distant, decaying city casts a sickly, distorted light over the scene. The sky above is no longer a tranquil expanse but a swirling abyss of chaotic colors and distorted constellations, pressing down with a suffocating, otherworldly weight.

In this square, the ground writhes with a shifting mosaic of the citizens' anguished faces, each whispering secrets from a time that no longer matters. History and future are meaningless here, merged into a single, grotesque tapestry where reality and nightmare blur indistinguishably. The air vibrates with a dissonant, haunting rhythm that seems both alien and disturbingly familiar, echoing the meaningless paradoxes of human existence.

Participants don elaborate, grotesque costumes, their limbs jerking in unnatural, spasmodic patterns, a mockery of ritualistic grace. They chant in strange, unrecognizable languages, their voices merging into a cacophony that reverberates through the visitor’s very bones, a chilling reminder of the lost humanity.

Drawn to an altar made of translucent, quivering flesh, the visitor feels an inexplicable, horrifying compulsion to join this macabre chorus. The altar emits a low, continuous hum that harmonizes with the cosmic dissonance above, resonating deeply within their core, a siren call to the abyss.

As they approach the altar, the grotesque and the divine become indistinguishable.

"We are democracy," the gathering whispers, but the words are hollow, devoid of meaning.

The sky, swirling and oppressive, mirrors the citizens’ condition. It embodies the hopelessness and relentless despair of a society trapped in the paradoxical nightmare of equality and chaos, justice and madness.

At this moment, the visitor understands that these principles are not just a structure of governance. They are a relentless challenge to each individual to confront the absurdity and horror of existence in a collective journey through a distorted, dystopian world where hope has long been extinguished.



After Zak's transformative experience in Shambala, they find themself drawn to the Welcome Habitat.

Luminescent neon lights cast their ephemeral glow. Zak navigates the very heart of a futuristic dystopia. Memories, fragments of the past, intertwine seamlessly with the erratic beats and distorted melodies that define the Welcome Habitat's soundscape, giving rise to an immersive symphony of uncertainty and artificial chaos.

At the epicenter of this urban sprawl stands a marvel of modern engineering – a levitating mansion, an embodiment of the Welcome Habitat's technological prowess. This architectural marvel serves as a portal, transporting visitors to a dimension where recollections of a three-year-old's existence merge harmoniously with the relentless beats emanating from the digital underworld. 

Inconspicuous events, such as allergies to cats, take on profound significance, leading to apologies from distant figures. The Welcome Habitat transforms into a surreal playground, featuring mud-soaked clothes, potholes filled with water, and the enigmatic presence of a disdainful landlord who appears to govern the narrative of this odyssey.

In this surreal fusion of past and future, the visitor confronts emotions, experiencing a palpable anxious energy that resonates through the Welcome Habitat. The urban landscape becomes a personal canvas for the exploration of internal chaos, transcending the boundaries of the tangible world.

Lost Realm

Zak Qlikman arrives at the desert under the pretense of studying the region's fossil record. In truth, s/he is drawn by the whispers of Shambala, a legend that has obsessed them ever since s/he stumbled upon Danzanravjaa’s writings in an old monastery. Armed with ancient manuscripts and cutting-edge technology, s/he intends to locate the mythical portal.

Zak sets up the instruments. Their soft hum is a counterpoint to the whispering wind. S/He carefully aligns their sensors with the coordinates s/he has painstakingly deciphered from Danzanravjaa’s verses. The sky above, unpolluted by city lights, stretches out in a tapestry of stars, each a pinprick in the fabric of the universe.

Hours pass, and then, their instruments detect a sudden, unearthly surge of energy. The air around them begins to shimmer, bending light in ways that make the landscape appear both near and distant, as if reality itself is warping.

S/He steps forward, feeling an invisible pull, and the world around them seems to dissolve in a cascade of colors and shapes. For a moment, s/he is engulfed in darkness, a void filled with the echoes of a thousand distant stars.

When their vision clears, Zak finds themself standing in a vast, iridescent landscape. The air is thick with a palpable, almost liquid energy. Towering crystal spires glow softly, casting prismatic shadows on the ground. S/He knows instantly that s/he has crossed the threshold into Shambala.

For what feels like an eternity and a moment all at once, Zak immerses themself in the wisdom of this mystical realm.

When s/he finally returns to the desert, the sun is rising, casting a golden glow over the sands. The rusting oil pumps and the tracks of rabbits and donkeys greet them, reminders of the world s/he has left behind.  

The Mission

Eyes fixed on the display, anticipation fills the control room.

"We should get the first close-up shots of this other dimension."

"Better get things set up as fast as possible."

Urgency echoes through the room.

A crackling voice interrupts, "Visual contact confirmed. Checking diagnostics."

They are sealing final preparations.

A sense of readiness is settling.

"Send out the probe on my signal."  

"Condition green.”

The holographic projection materializes.

Silence hangs in the room.

A sprawling complex appears, nestled amidst the stars, where secrets and ambitions intertwine in the vast expanse of space.

Poised on the brink of profound scientific revelation, an uncharted phenomenon emerges within unique ethereal structures. 

The visitors find themselves entangled in a web of ethical dilemmas and unforeseen consequences. The boundary between progress and peril blurs, challenging the very fabric of understanding space and time.