
They discuss the lifeform's appearance and intelligence, pondering ways to communicate.

At the interrogation, efforts to communicate intensify.

"You've been interrogating them for 43 minutes. How much longer?"

"Why? We've got to remove the strontium compound from their hair to assist oxygen absorption."

"Now let's go over it once again. The answers are needed for certain questions."

"It's no good. They either can't or don't want to understand."

"There's no alternative. I'm going to try one of the new tropane alkaloids to break down their resistance."

"Which do you recommend?"

"Well, enhanced Scopolamine is the most effective in my experience, but in this case... Well, I can't guarantee the result. It could be dangerous."

"How dangerous?"

"Who knows? But the decision and the responsibility must be yours."

They observed the patient closely, noting the anxiety reflected in their vital signs.

"Pulse rate is increasing. Still increasing."

"Hold them. Hold them down."

"This is control. I have a red alert. I repeat, a red alert."

"Now it is all yours."

"Right, let's go."


The life raft is slicing through the darkness of space. Vin'nyla's pulse quickens. Their mind is focused.

As the life raft close in on a satellite, tension thickens in the air. Their training kicks in, they are executing their role with precision. Vin'nyla's voice cuts through the commotion, issuing orders with authority and determination.

With each passing moment, anticipation mounts, the mission hanging in the balance.

Then, a breakthrough—a signal blips on the screen, confirming the successful tracking of the life raft. Vin'nyla's heart races as they analyze the data, a mix of excitement and apprehension coursing through their veins.

Vin'nyla's gaze remains fixed on the screen.

The life raft hovers away. The clock ticks ominously - 57:41.

"Take cover!"

The urgency in their voice is palpable.

In the medical facility, the team examines the captured lifeform.

The lifeform is breathing a liquid containing a bioactrophilic compound, imparting the usual green tint to the face and neck. 

They managed to revert the respiration to normal atmosphere successfully.

"We're dealing with a comparatively young lifeform. Past experience has shown us that once they breathe our atmosphere, they deteriorate to their true age."

"I want to see if I can get anything out of them. How soon can they be ready? We're crossing new physiological frontiers."

"Well, I... I suppose they are as ready now as they will ever be."



The cold wind cuts through the night air and the night is filled with anticipation.

A psychological test is conducted, revealing emotional connections and paranormal elements among the visitors.

Vin'nyla initiates a word association exercise, trying to maintain focus. "Soft, hard, static, variable."

"Oh yes, of course. Grapes, plums," responds a familiar voice.

"Betelgeuse, satellite, flower, cake, hate."

"Love," comes the emphatic response.

Later, back at the Welcome Habitat, Vin'nyla briefs Charamaynne on the details about a stranded life raft.

The tension rises.

In a rush of anticipation, they prepare for a computer check on the life raft systems. The atmosphere is charged with excitement as they ready for potential action. The life raft, carrying visitors and the precious Utronic cargo, opens under heightened security measures.

The red alert blares, signaling the presence of an unidentified 

object. The clock ticks, and the space drama unfolds.


Shaklyn 1+2 silently observe the situation.


Vin'nyla leans forward, scrutinizing the monitor. The digital display reads 00:48:53, and the room is bathed in the dim glow of monitors and control panels.

"Now, let's pull back," s/he instructs, their voice steady. "You'll notice the curvature of the horizon."

The seconds tick by, and the timestamp advances to 00:49:00. Vin'nyla's brow furrows in concentration. "Well, surely from that, we can work out an approximation of the overall size. Let's pull back a little more."

The display transitions to 00:49:51, and Vin'nyla starts adjusting the magnification. 

The images flicker and shift rapidly – 1000, 100000. Vin'nyla studies the evolving scenes on the screen, their expression transitioning from confusion to realization.

"Not the most flattering of pinups nor the best way to spend a furlough. Thanks for all your help," s/he chuckles.

Vin'nyla turns their attention back to the monitor, a thoughtful expression on their face. "Yes, I'm beginning to see the problem. I'd like you to take a look at that monitor."

The display showcases seemingly mundane objects – a grain of pollen, a section of fractured polystyrene, and a piece of shattered wheat. "What would you say this is?"

"Well, before your demonstration, I would have said a lava formation of some kind," s/he admits.

"Actually, it's a section of fractured polystyrene. It's incredible. Here's another from the structure in the center." 

Vin'nyla squints at the monitor.

Vin'nyla leans back.

"It's a vast area, almost completely unexplored," s/he acknowledges.

Vin'nyla muses.

"Space is infinite both ways – outward and inward."