Charamaynne is traversing distances that span millions of light-years.

Despite the vastness of their travels and the countless galaxies and star systems explored, s/he can't escape the sensation that their destination remains elusive. It's as if the more s/he ventures into the depths of space, the farther the goal appears. As s/he moves at incredible speeds, the effects of time dilation become apparent. Time itself slows down for them, causing all processes, both internal and external, to pass by at a leisurely pace relative to those not embarked on this extraordinary voyage. This temporal distortion heightens the sense of stagnation and reinforces the feeling of being endlessly distant from their desired endpoint.

Curiosity and a sense of adventure propel them forward, venturing into the unknown with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. However, an undercurrent of caution tugs at their instinct. In this moment of uncertainty, Charamaynne grapples with conflicting emotions. S/He stands at the precipice of the unknown, torn between curiosity and the need for self-preservation. Charamaynne sets off to the Welcome Habitat.