They engineer the fabric of reality.

They know all about the fundamental structure, from which everything in our quantum reality, emerges. 
They are experts in staging irretrievably lost moments.
They call it the Elevation Force. At the very least, it is starting to seem non-crazy to believe. A recent study shows half the universe already does.

S/He steps out of the door and got elevated. S/He rushes into a black hole. One would expect to get crushed. But the reality is stranger than that. The moment you enter the black hole, reality would split into two. In one, you would be immediately incinerated; in the other, you would emerge from the black hole completely unscathed. However, the reality shock could be life-threatening.

Later at the emergency room.

"Can you give me a minute with them?"

A staff member nods.

"Hey, how are you? They are going to take you down to have some tests."
"But they said no more tests."

The X-ray shows the small silhouette of the fragrance seller from Bhopal in the middle of their head. 

"I hope you know what this means."

S/He is OK - syntonic state.