Interrogation after arrival.

Turning to Vin'nyla.

"Why did you do it?"

"To preserve their dignity."

"If you hadn't killed them, they might have lived."

"I thought I would release them! But not long after the rescue mission they found a cure to reverse the process!"

"But did it feel right?"

"Yes! No! I thought: 'Release the pain. Release it.'" 

"This has poisoned your soul for a long time. Now you've taken the first step. The other steps we'll take together. Each lifeform's pain is unique."

"But we saved the fragrance seller of Bhopal, whom we celebrate as a performance artist known for exaggeration."

S/He has apparently fallen out of favour with the authorities.

"There must be other places in this Galaxy," s/he says to theirself.

"The James Webb Space Telescope could detect life in Hycean planets within the next few years. Hycean planets are exoplanets with liquid water oceans surrounded by hydrogen/helium atmospheres. Hycean planets are a sub-class of "mini-Neptunes" that could contain biomarkers in their atmospheres. Simulations by a team from Cambridge University show that these planets could be detected by JWST in just the next few years!"